Thursday 10 December 2015

We celebrate donor organizations who have partnered with Mandera County to improve living standards

Mandera County Government would like to thank the various non-governmental organizations who continue to support/supplement the work of the County Government. In particular, we would like to say a BIG Thank You to the following organizations who stood by us even during the trying moments of inter-clan fighting and the insecurity in the Mandera County; Thank you UN Resident Coordinator for your support.

Despite the insecurity in Mandera County, you believed in us and lead a high powered delegation to Mandera in the middle of terror attack that saw thirty eight Kenyans dead. You were there to mourn with us and showed us motherly care. Mandera County is indebted and appreciate your support.

We thank UNFPA for the impactful partnership in the area of Maternal Health. We categorically appreciate the coordination work of Mr. Sid who believed in making maternal health a reality for Mandera County mothers.

The ambulance that you donated has gone a long way in helping the mothers that really needed the services. We appreciate you and your organization and look forward to continued partnership. Thank you World Bank for your support in Maternal Health, Livestock Resilience Program and health care funding.

For the coordination of high powered forum to re-map former marginalized Counties. Thank you for leading the debate on policy change for these Counties. We appreciate your support and look forward to continued partnership.

Mandera County appreciates the ambulance and logistic vehicle donation made by UNHCR to aid the Healthcare Sector. The ambulance will help reduce maternal health in the County. We thank UNHCR for your support and look forward to continued partnership. Thank you ACTED for the Food voucher and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programs. We appreciate your close consultation and cooperation in regards to programing. We appreciate your close working relationship and look forward to working with you as we move forward.

Thank you Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) for Food Security/ Livelihood and WASH programming with IDPs and affected host communities, and Vocation training for the Youth. We appreciate the work you do with our IDPs, we look forward to continued support.

Thank you ISLAMIC RELIEF KENYA for livelihood, health and Nutrition programming,and support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), we appreciate your work.

Thank you Kenya Red Cross Society – For support in health care staffing, WASH, nutrition, and the distribution of food and non-food items to IDPs. You are our strong support and we appreciate you.

Thank you USAID for the capacity building funding and AfyaPlus program in healthcare. We appreciate your support and look forward to continued relationship.

Thank you Save the Children for your support in Health Sector, Maternal health and Nutrition. We appreciate your work in Mandera West Sub County.

Thank you Danida for health care funding and support, WFP in conjunction with Consortium of Cooperating partners (COCOP) for general food distribution and RACIDA for livelihood, Education, WASH and DRR programming. We appreciate you and look forward to continued excellent relationship to serving the people of Mandera County.

Thank you to all others who I may have not captured in this message. Your efforts are appreciated. Together we can go far in reaching the neediest members of our communities. Specifically, the Office of Donor Relations in the Department of Special Program will be your one-stop-shop for the coordination of non-governmental organizations’ work in the County.

For more information, please contact Tamima A Ali – Head of Special Programs, Disaster Preparedness and Management

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