Friday 16 October 2015


Swedish Ambassador to Kenya Mr. Johan Borgstam on October 13 visited Mandera County to participate at the launch of Mandera  Community Life Center Public Private Partnership. The visit was organized by United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA) and lead by the UNFPA Representative to Kenya Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee. The visiting delegation with representatives from the government of Kenya, the diplomatic community, UN agencies, NGO's and private companies engaged in the setting up of the first Community  Life  Center was received by  H.E. the Governor of Mandera Mr. Ali  Roba and honorable members representing Mandera County in  Kenya’s National Parliament. 
I am proud to be able to visit Mandera County and through our  Swedish support to UNFPA take part in the development here. Sweden funds 20 per cent of UNFPA's global budget. I am impressed with the progress  made  within the  health sector in Mandera  since  the devolution  process started in Kenya but more needs  to be done”,  ambassador Borgstam said during the discussion.

The roundtable discussion with stakeholders from the health sector in Mandera County and the visiting delegation focused on the challenges within the health sector and innovative ways to improve the primary health care in the county.  The link between women’s empowerment and economic growth was emphasized during the discussions. Ambassador Borgstam underlined the need to focus and improve the situation for maternal health, gender equality and women’s empowerment in order for Mandera County to use its full development potential.

A community can only reach its full potential by involving the whole population in its social and economic life. This is something Mandera County can use to its benefit and set a positive example for the rest  of  Kenya. Fighting harmful traditions such as female genital mutilation, making sure that both girls and boys get proper education and ensuring female participation at all levels of political decision making are all key objectives in securing development and growth”, said ambassador Borgstam. UNFPA Country Representative Siddharth Chatterjee strongly emphasized the crucial role of functioning health service for expectant mothers:

Investing in maternal health services is key to reaping the demographic dividend in Mandera”, said Siddharth Chatterjee.

Mandera County borders Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the east. Driving distance between Mandera and Nairobi is more than 1 000 kilometres. Mandera County faces substantial challenges, not least in the health sector. Maternal mortality is currently close to 4 deaths per 100 births, which is exceptionally high by international standards. The county has 11 million inhabitants and nine medical doctors. Nevertheless important progress has been achieved over the last two  years.  The visit included a presentation of Mandera  County Referral Hospital which has seen a substantial increase in capacity to handle both in- and out patients.

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